Psoriatic Arthritis Information
Information about psoriastic arthritis, its diagnosis and treatment.
Psoriatic Arthritis (PA) is a form of arthritis which affects some 10-20% of people with psoriasis (although some with PA show no skin symptoms of psoriasis). It can be highly debilitating if left untreated, so if you suspect that you might have PA, it’s important to see a qualified rheumatologist (specialist in arthritis) as soon as possible, in order to get it diagnosed and treated.Since many treatments for PA can also be used to treat just the skin manifestations of psoriasis (such as some DMARDs), this page will be devoted to just information about PA itself, for the most part. For particular treatments, see the appropriate pages of this site.
Unreviewed Treatments and Information
Psoriatic Arithritis overview from the NPF

Psoriatic Arthritis therapies from the NPF’s Arthritis Message Boards
Approach to the Child with Joint Pains, by Thomas JA Lehman, MD
Arthritis Foundation

A Case Study on a Radiology Site
Collaborative Hypertext of Radiology
Drug Helps Psoriatic Arthritis Patients
Early Arthritis Can’t Keep Couple Down
Everyday Health
Fighting Arthritis & Rheumatism
Flesh Grinder’s Glossary of Medical Terms (very incomplete)
FQ Research — Persistent and chronic polyarthritis
Humor Horizons
Johns Hopkins Arthritis:
The Nurse Friendly Arthritis Links
Pocket Notes for Adult Medicine:
Psoriatic Arthritis and HIV
Secondary Fibromyalgia
Biologic Agents and the Treatment of Autoimmune Disorders
Folk Remedies: Had Your Gin-Soaked Raisins Today?
In her own words: living with psoriasis
Introduction to Psoriatic Arthritis
New Therapies for Treating Psoriatic Arthritis
Sacroiliac Joint Pain
Stress Tests Don’t Catch All Heart Disease (in a comment)
Treatment Options for Psoriatic Arthritis
What Causes Psoriatic Arthritis?
Folk Remedies: Had Your Gin-Soaked Raisins Today?
In her own words: living with psoriasis
Introduction to Psoriatic Arthritis
New Therapies for Treating Psoriatic Arthritis
Sacroiliac Joint Pain
Stress Tests Don’t Catch All Heart Disease (in a comment)
Treatment Options for Psoriatic Arthritis
What Causes Psoriatic Arthritis?