Uncategorized article and book information related to psoriasis.
Simply a list of articles which I’ve found in my searches. These will probably be moved to more appropriate sections as time permits.Reviewed Treatments and Information
Unreviewed Information
Antibiotics for Psoriasis
Autoimmune diseases poorly understood, difficult to treat
Autoimmunity: A Major Women’s Health Issue
Biotechnology Is Taking Aim at Psoriasis with New Drugs (The New York Times, requires free registration)
Chronic Sequelae of Foodborne Diseases
DDx of Leprosy
Edgar Cayce on Psoriasis
Hope Hospital’s Psoriasis Articles
How Many Diseases Does it Take to Map a Gene with SNPs?

The Human Major Histocompatilibity Complex: Lessons from the DNA Sequence

Human Population Genetics: Lessons from Finland

The influence of low intake of n-3 fatty acids on platelets in elderly people
The La Salle Electrical Utilities Company Morbidity Study I

Merck Manual of Geriatrics — Chapter 123: Common Skin Disorders
Microgravity Experiments on the Space Shuttle Helping Find Psoriasis Treatments
OMIM Report on the PSORS1 gene, Psoriasis Susceptibility 1
“Psoriasis — A dermatological enigma” (abstract)
UV and Meditation
Unreviewed Full-Text Medical Articles
European Journal of Dermatology:
Aggressive verbal behaviour as a function of experimentally induced anger in persons with psoriasis
Generalized pustular psoriasis with hypoparathyroidism
The prevalence of occupational dermatitis amongst printers in the Midlands

Self-reported Morbidity and Mortality among Members of the British Nuclear Tests Veterans Association