Evil Web Sites
Evil web sites, preying upon psoriasis sufferers with search-engine bait and other dishonesty.
These are sites that use the word ‘psoriasis’ in their headers, but not in the text you actually get to see. This really ticks me off, since it just clutters up the search engines. Make the claims up front, people! Don’t make me search through tons of pages to find out which treatment supposedly cures the disease I’m interested in. This list also includes sites that mention psoriasis solely in invisible or near-invisible text. Again this is just so that the search engines will pick the page up. Perhaps you’ll spend a few bucks, even if they don’t make any mention of your disease whatsoever…1 Stop Outlet Mall

‘Psoriasis’ is only found in the keywords, and “psoriatic arthritis” is found in the ALT text for one image.
Aloe Natura

A German site advertising aloe products, it has ‘psoriasis’ in an HTML comment on the home page, but a Google search turns up nothing else.
Body of Confidence pages (all

100% Natural Skin Care Products

71 Weight Loss Tips

Affects of Cosmetic Surgery

Apple Cider Vinegar and Arthritis

Arthritis Society

Arthritis Today

Body of Confidence

Cellulite Removal

Cosmetic Surgery CA

Cosmetic Surgery Discrimination

Cosmetic Surgery for Men Staten Island

Cosmetic Surgery in Arkansas

Cosmetic Surgery Southwest Florida

Cosmetic Surgery Washington, DC

Erectile Dysfunction Enz

Erectile Dysfunction in DSMIV

European Skin Care Products

Evaluation of Psoriatic Arthritis

Evaluation of Psoriatic Arthritis

Exercises to Lose Cellulite

Fast Effective Weight Loss

Ford Probe GT Face Lifts

Glocosamine Condroitin Work for Arthritis

International Index of Erectile Dysfunction

Male Cosmetic Surgery Brooklyn

Massage Cellulite

Men Cosmetic Surgery

Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis

Mild Face Lift Photos

Natural Cellulite Remedy

Natural Skin Care Formula that Really Works

Origins Skin Care

Pictures of Arthritis Cases

Pictures of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Pictures on Arthritis

Psoriasis Acadia Skin Care

Psoriatic Arthritis

Remove Cellulite

Simply Weight Loss

Weight Loss Products

Weight Loss Success Story

Weight Loss Success Story

When you go to any of the above pages, at first you’ll simply see a big “Click Here to Enter” button. If you take the time to scroll down, however, you’ll find all sorts of text, and a few other links. “Psoriasis” or “psoriatic arthritis” is in the text of the above pages, but seldom in a way that makes sense. If you click the “Click Here to Enter” button, you’ll wind up at a “Body of Confidence” products page of some sort (it varies). None of the ones I’ve found mention psoriasis at all. But if you’re looking for “ANT-WRINKLE” products, perhaps it’s a page you’d like to see.
December 6, 2002, Update: The “Click Here to Enter” links no longer take you to a “Body of Confidence” page (for those I checked), but instead take you to a page which suggests that if you’ve got a skin-care product to sell, you should contact the folks at 1-MillionHits.com

April 11, 2009, Update: All of the above links are now broken.

This page has ‘psoriasis’ in the description, but mentions nothing but eczema in the text.
Ericsson’s Coral Calcium

This used to be an evil site, but has been redesigned and I cannot find anymention at all of psoriasis. I did not do a thorough search, though, because the misinformation available is enough to make me gag. Oh, the site has also moved to a new address

Arty Escobar Herb-based Hair Care Products

A person named Danny emailed me to tell me that this site was up and running again (it used to be listed as broken on the Unknown page). And while it is up again, it lacks a single mention of psoriasis anywhere but in the keywords of the home page. By the way, if “Hair Loss Affects 120 Million Men and 90 Million Women,” which is less than 4% of the world’s people, how can it also be that “95% of the World’s Population Suffers Hair Loss?”
The Honey Collection

‘Psoriasis’ only found in the keywords of certain product pages, not in the text.
Glucosamine and Chondriotin

Arthritis Care

Psoriatic Arthitis, Osteoarthritis Progression

Glucosamine Chondroitin Arthritis Psoritic Arthritis

All similar pages, all with invisible text or ‘psoriatic’ in the title only (except the first above, in which the nonsense text is visible), and all leading to Feel21, which does have psoriasis listed under its ailment search, but following that option only leads you to a single Milk Thistle

January 23, 2009, Update: the hormone.htmlplanet.com links, above, no longer redirect to feel21.com.
Kiss My Face Soap Bars

Mentions psoriasis in its so-called “Recommended Extended Search Keywords.”
Natureworks USA

At the bottom of this page, there is a list of literally hundreds of diseases, most of which is invisible. Psoriasis is in this list three times. On 02/23/2002, I found this page no longer exists.
Nutritional Therapy

‘Psoriasis’ is found only in the keywords for this site.

‘Psoriasis’ is in the keywords of many pages, and perhaps they have plans to target psoriasis with one of their drugs at a later date, but I can’t find it mentioned on any of the Web pages right now.

Follow the link to “Purifying Bath — Psoriasis Relief,” and you won’t find a word about psoriasis. Not even if you read the descriptions of the three products shown. If you search the site for ‘psoriasis,’ you’ll be shown one result — a completely different product from the other three, which has a description also lacking in the name of our disease.
Palm Beach Mega Tan

‘Psoriasis’ appears in both the keywords and in invisible text at the bottom of the home page. This is doubly evil, as some forms of UV light are beneficial for psoriasis, simple tanning has not been proven to be helpful. Update, Feb 23, 2002: Make that “used to appear,” but I haven’t checked the rest of the site yet.
Sacro Wedgy pages (all

Foot and Drop and Herniated and Disc

Herniated Cervical Disk Headaches

Lower Back Pain San Gabriel

Pregnancy Low Back Pain Exercises

Sciatica + Chair + Executive

See the “Body of Confidence” notes, above, because it’s the same thing here, just a different product, and possibly a different advertising company.
Stewart’s Crafts’ Lye Soap

‘Psoriasis’ is found only in the keywords for this page.




This is some sort of bizarre attempt at a web directory or search engine, which lists the word ‘psoriasis’ in amongst other terms. There is no information here.

‘Psoriasis’ is found only in the keywords for this site.
West Yorkshire Clinic of Complementary Medicine

This page has ‘psoriasis’ in both the keywords and as invisible text at the bottom, but it’s just an opening page to the rest of the web site. However, the home page link appears to be broken. Update, Feb 23, 2002: the main page is now blank. Update, Apr 28, 2002: the main page is now up again, as it was before, including the broken Home Page link.
Whale Medical, Inc.

Tons and tons of text, but ‘psoriasis’ is only found amongst the keywords.