There are many books about psoriais, from clinical textbooks to self-help guides for children. Here are some of them.
This is a list of books about psoriasis, or which mention psoriasis. Some are available through familiar Web-based book retailers, some are available only through the authors or publishers, some both. Books which I believe are unavailable are listed in a separate section near the end. Note also that academic textbooks are mixed in with popular works, alphabetically. After the book list, there is a section for book-related information.In the interests of full disclosure, I am an “Amazon Associate.”
If you are interested in buying a book, or a video, or any other thing to be found on sites like, and you would like a portion of the purchase price to be donated to the National Psoriasis Foundation (at no extra cost to you), I suggest you visit Jerry J.’s Psoriasis Books Site. The full setup is explained on Jerry’s page, but I’d also like to emphasize here that the only ones who make any money off the links on his site are the NPF and the booksellers themselves. The only thing Jerry receives is some satisfaction from doing a good thing. You’ll receive your own personal portion of that same satisfaction with every order, in addition to the usual complimentary bookmark.
Reviewed Books
Banish Psoriasis for Good, by Katy Roberts

The Doctors Book of Home Remedies II, by Sid Kirchheimer et al.

The Pill Book Guide to Natural Medicines, by Michael Murray, N.D.

Reviewed web sites or advertising for books
Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative, by John O. A. Pagano

Psoriasis, Healing from the Inside Out, by Heather Ferris

Unreviewed Books
100 Questions & Aanswers About Psoriasis
Arthritis, Rheumatism and Psoriasis (By Appointment Only)
An Atlas of Psoriasis
Autoimmunity in Psoriasis
Beat Psoriasis: Simple and Effective Treatment — The Natural Way
The Chemotherapy of Psoriasis
Conquering Psoriasis: An Illustrated Guide to the Understanding and Control of Psoriasis
Coping with Psoriasis
(Also available from The Oxford Development Center.)
Coping with Psoriasis: A Patient’s Guide to Treatment
Cover Girl Uncovered: A Woman’s Journey
(See also Famous People with Psoriasis.)
Diets to Help: Psoriasis
The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Women
Eczema and Psoriasis: How Your Diet Can Help
From Arsenic to Biologicals: A 200 Year History of Psoriasis
Get Well at Home: Complete Home Health Care for the Family
Handbook of Psoriasis
Herbs for Healthy Skin, Hair & Nails: Banish Eczema, Acne and Psoriasis with Healing Herbs that Cleanse and Tone the Body Inside and Out
Hidden Affects in Somatic Disorders: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Asthma,Psoriasis, Diabetes, Cerebrovascular Disease, and Other Disorders
How I Overcame Psoriasis
Keratinization and Growth Regulation
Key Advances in the Effective Management of Psoriasis
Lessons from the Miracle Doctors
Living with Psoriasis
Managing Your Psoriasis
Miracle Healing Foods
Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis
My Triumph Over Psoriasis: Curing Disease without Medication
One Touch Healing
Phototherapy and Psoriasis Treatment Protocols
Pocket Guide to Psoriasis
Psoriasis, 2nd Ed.
Psoriasis, 3rd Ed.
Psoriasis: A Patient’s Guide, 3rd Ed.
Psoriasis: A Practical Guide to Orthodox and Complementary Treatment
Psoriasis: Cell Proliferation
Psoriasis: Everything You Need to Know
Psoriasis: The Real Way Out: A Self-Education Guide to Complete Natural Healing
Psoriasis: Slide Atlas
Psoriasis: The Struggle and the Triumph: A Healthy Transformation for Everyone Living with Psoriasis
Psoriasis and Eczema
The Psoriasis and Eczema Solution: New Hope for Physical and Emotional Relief
Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis: An Integrated Approach
Psoriasis at your fingertips
Psoriasis can be cured
The Psoriasis Cure: A Drug-Free Guide to Reversing and Stopping the Symptoms of Psoriasis
The Psoriasis Handbook
The Psoriasis Handbook: A Self-Help Guide
Recent Advances in Psoriasis: The Role of the Immune System
Skin Care for Psoriasis
So You’ve Got Psoriasis
Textbook of Psoriasis
Therapy of Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis
Understanding Skin Problems: Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis and Related Conditions
Your Healing Diet: A Quick Guide to Reversing Psoriasis and Chronic Diseases with Healing Foods
Unreviewed Unavailable Books
Aetiological Studies of Psoriasis: A Survey
Characterization of Compounds with Platelet Activating Factor Related Activity from Polypodium Decumanum, a Fern with Clinical Use in Psoriasis
Clinicians Guide Psoriasis
Cyclosporin for Severe Psoriasis: The Italian Experience
Management of Psoriasis
Psoriasis Treatments that Work: A Self-Healing Manual
Retinoids, Advances in Basic Research and Therapy
Unreviewed Books from Other Sources
Book-Related Information
Some online booksellers have “Associates” programs, where the booksellers give “commissions” to those who link to the booksellers’ Web sites. I am an Associate. This commission doesn’t add a dime to the price you pay: you will not find Amazon prices lower if you look up the books yourself instead of following the links I provide. Any money raised will be, in part, used to support this web site.
Still, I urge you to shop around for the best deal you can find on any book. Or, given the pretty-much equal pricing between booksellers for many titles, pick your favorite, if you happen to have a favorite bookseller.
And as written above, if you would like to make a donation to the NPF by purchasing books or other items, don’t hesitate to visit Jerry J’s Psoriasis Books Site.