Banish Psoriasis, Reader Comments
Reader comments about my review of the ebook, Banish Psoriasis for Good, by Katy Roberts.
This page displays selected comments from readers of this site about the Banish Psoriasis ebook review page.LC wrote (June 17, 2009):
Well Done!
Thanks for the insight into the book. I, too, have had psoriasis on my scalp for over 20 years and relish any "cure" statement. So glad I read the blogs before buying the ebook.
You do get to a stage of "what’s $29 for a book? Nothing," but if it’s just rubbish then that’s what can be heartbreaking.
I do know that salt water and sunshine is great, and your diet does affect it (for some people). Like red wine makes my psoriasis flare up but white wine doesn’t.
Anyway, thanks again and good on ya!!
Well Done!
Thanks for the insight into the book. I, too, have had psoriasis on my scalp for over 20 years and relish any "cure" statement. So glad I read the blogs before buying the ebook.
You do get to a stage of "what’s $29 for a book? Nothing," but if it’s just rubbish then that’s what can be heartbreaking.
I do know that salt water and sunshine is great, and your diet does affect it (for some people). Like red wine makes my psoriasis flare up but white wine doesn’t.
Anyway, thanks again and good on ya!!
SS wrote (June 24, 2009):
I thank you for your site as I was about to purchase the Banish book. Lucky for me my husband found your site. Thanks for taking time to help.
I thank you for your site as I was about to purchase the Banish book. Lucky for me my husband found your site. Thanks for taking time to help.
Dave Replies: Thanks to all for the notes (even the ones I haven’t published). If I’ve saved just a few people 29 bucks, then the effort was worth it (especially since at least one buyer missed out on the fact that there’s a money-back guarantee).
LB wrote (August 5, 2009):
...I, too, bought the book Banish Psoriasis Forever on the strength of reading Patty’s blog. My daughter has suffered from dreadful psoriasis since she was a teenager over 25 years ago... has been hospitalised with it and been to casualty in the middle of the night suffering from severe earache caused by the posriasis flakes falling into her ear and setting up a bad middle ear infection.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, she thought the book was a con job but seeing as I had already bought it agreed to give the treatment a go for 3 months. She has a science background and thought the whole thing was a load of rubbish. Incredibly after 2 weeks she noticed a vast improvement in her skin and now, after the 3 months, is totally free of the lesions except for a few small spots on her arms. How or why it worked, who knows! Will it last... who knows!
It would be nice if, on your new site you recommended that people give it a go. They don’t even have to waste their money on the book as you have listed the supplements in your review. My daughter used fish oil capsules, olive leaf extract which had probiotic enzymes added, super greens and colostrum sourced from New Zealand. Willard water is not available in Australia so she gave that a miss.
Thanks for your time and I must say if Patty does exist I would like to give her a big hug.
...I, too, bought the book Banish Psoriasis Forever on the strength of reading Patty’s blog. My daughter has suffered from dreadful psoriasis since she was a teenager over 25 years ago... has been hospitalised with it and been to casualty in the middle of the night suffering from severe earache caused by the posriasis flakes falling into her ear and setting up a bad middle ear infection.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, she thought the book was a con job but seeing as I had already bought it agreed to give the treatment a go for 3 months. She has a science background and thought the whole thing was a load of rubbish. Incredibly after 2 weeks she noticed a vast improvement in her skin and now, after the 3 months, is totally free of the lesions except for a few small spots on her arms. How or why it worked, who knows! Will it last... who knows!
It would be nice if, on your new site you recommended that people give it a go. They don’t even have to waste their money on the book as you have listed the supplements in your review. My daughter used fish oil capsules, olive leaf extract which had probiotic enzymes added, super greens and colostrum sourced from New Zealand. Willard water is not available in Australia so she gave that a miss.
Thanks for your time and I must say if Patty does exist I would like to give her a big hug.
Dave Replies: Thanks for the story, LB, and I apologize for taking so long to publish it. Unfortunately, and I think your daughter would agree, nobody can say if it (the Banish Psoriasis regimen) worked, because — as you say — your daughter did not follow it. Perhaps one or more of the things she tried worked. It’s also possible that something else in your daughter’s life changed, like her stress levels (for just one example). And since psoriasis is known for spontaneous remissions, it is quite possible that her use of some parts of the regimen was simply coincidal with her improvement.
It is for all of those reasons that I will not recommend that people try it. The cost of the book is one thing that I have tried to eliminate for people who are interested, but fish-oil capsules, olive-leaf extract and the rest cost money, as well. Without a basis in solid, evidence-based medicine, any recommendation I might give would be tantamount to quackery (a practice I despise). Until there is a large, double-blind experiment run that shows that the Banish Psoriasis regimen works better than placebo, nobody can conclude that it has done anything. Anecdotes like yours are the starting point of research, not the end, and even if a million stories like yours came into my inbox, the plural of “anecdote” is not “data.”
I wish you and your daughter all the best (especially a long and full remission of symptoms), but just because one person seems to have gotten better using it doesn’t mean that anyone else will, and so I can’t add anything resembling a stamp of approval to this therapy.
DP wrote (April 28, 2010):
Thanks for the review and taking the time to research this. It amazes me what and who is out there preying on the suffering.
Some of your comments just plain cracked me up also.
Thanks for the review and taking the time to research this. It amazes me what and who is out there preying on the suffering.
Some of your comments just plain cracked me up also.
Dave Replies: Thanks! Nice to know that I’m getting laughs as well as saving people money.