
Some deserved acknowledgements for other contributors to my web site.

I couldn’t do all this myself, and some friends have helped out (thank you all, if I haven’t thanked you enough already). Note that every review which is not entirely my own will be marked with the contributor’s name at the end. I have, at the very least, edited every contributed review, and in many cases I have done a complete double-check of everything written. In other words, even though others have contributed entire reviews and other information, the bottom line is that I am responsible for each and every word you can find here.

Unsolicited contributions of reviews of products or treatments will be ignored, please do not send any such things to me.

The Major Contributors

My wife has provided the best contribution, allowing me to sit here and work on this web site and in the Newsgroup for hours on end.

Linda M. has written most of the reviews in the Herbals section, and has provided much support, insightful opinions, and corrections.

Ed Anderson, of fame, has provided much insight into the “look and feel” of the first version of this site, along with support and general help with what I’m doing and, once again, a bunch of corrections.

Jerry J., masochist extraordinaire, checked most of the links on this site one night on his own, an effort I appreciate greatly. He’s also corrected some typos, and offered some thoughts on the organization and emphasis of the site.

Screeee, when not nibbling on alfalfa chewies, has suggested some very good clarifications to certain sections of the site. If she ever figures out how to stop running on that danged exercise wheel, perhaps she’ll give me an article or two to publish here.

@tomic, Webmaster of the Skeptic Friends Network, provided the much-needed impetus for version 2.0 of this site, along with many, many, many good suggestions.

Other Contributions

Thanks to Fabio for a handful of Italian-language links.

Error Corrections

Lady Andy sent me some corrections for the Methotrexate article.

Will W. found a fix for a broken link.

Eusebio C. found a fix for a broken link.