Last Lotion
A review of claims about Last Lotion and the treatment of psoriasis.

Last Lotion was developed by a pharmacist for his own “dry, itchy cracking and flaking skin” (according to an email, he has eczema). It’s only a moisturizer, but the web site has a testimonial from a psoriasis sufferer who claims “nothing I have used has helped me as much as LAST LOTION.” Moisturizers may help keep scaling and induration to a minimum, but they will not, in general, treat the disease.
No ingredients are listed on the web site, so I emailed Greg Roberts (the pharmacist) to find out. He replied that Last Lotion consists of purified water, petrolatum, and mineral oil, as well as “a 3 part antimicrobial system which protects the product from microbes.” Clearly, none of these are antipsoriatic substances. While this stuff may be a fantastic moisturizer, it should not be considered a treatment for psoriasis (but moisturizers may be important as part of a treatment regimen).