Smallpox Vaccinations
A quick note about smallpox vaccinations and psoriasis. If your psoriasis is active, do not get vaccinated for smallpox.
Due to concerns about spreading the live virus used in the smallpox vaccine, people with psoriasis that is active (showing lesions) should NOT get vaccinated against smallpox, nor should anyone without psoriasis who is living in the same home as someone with active psoriasis. People on immunosuppressive therapies such as methotrexate or cyclosporin should also NOT be vaccinated.If you actually become infected with smallpox, the above does not apply.
As with anything else, always speak with a qualified doctor about your particular case, and whether or not the possible risks outweigh the possible benefits.
CDC Information
Exemptions from Vaccination: Some people should not get smallpox vaccine, except under emergency situations.
Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 17th Edition
Information for Medical and Public Health Response Personnel Considering Smallpox Vaccination

Mass smallpox vaccination plan urged
National Psoriasis Foundation
FAQs: questions about psoriasis in the fall and winter
Topic: Military and psoriasis
Topic: smallpox vaccine and psoriasis
Topic: P and volunteering for small pox vacinations?
Topic: Military and psoriasis
Topic: smallpox vaccine and psoriasis
Topic: P and volunteering for small pox vacinations?
People Who Should NOT Get the Smallpox Vaccine
Smallpox: Vaccine May Be Off Limits to One-Third of U.S. Residents
The Smallpox Vaccine Decision
Smallpox Vaccine Safe for Flakers?
US Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine

Other Info
Defective Immune System Response to Smallpox Vaccine Detailed in New Study (Psoriasis patients were used as a control group in the study.)