Young Living Essential Oils
A review of Young Living Essential Oils advertising for psoriasis.

Young Living Essential Oils is a site that offers information about aroma therapy and essential oils. It mentions three oils in particular as being “used for” psoriasis:
It also recommends using its Gentle Rose Care Ointment “to assist in the healing” of psoriasis.
Although the site mentions some of the uses of these essential oils, it does not provide adequate information on potential side-effects (see above links).
While the lotion sold at this site might help moisturize psoriatic skin, it will not (as they claim) heal psoriasis. Psoriasis is not a skin injury to be healed, but rather the result of the immune system’s mistaken impression that there is a wound which needs to be healed.
These essential oils may be purchased elsewhere for less, both online and in retail stores (depending on your location).
This web site offers a lot of information, but it does not give all the available facts about these oils. There are many resources available for the study of essential oils, both on the Internet and off. A site trying to sell a product may not be the best place to obtain accurate information.
April 27, 2009, Update: The site has had all mention of psoriasis removed from its pages.
See also Herbal Warnings.
Linda M. contributed this review on August 13, 1999.