Genetics and Gene Therapies
Information about genetics and gene-therapy as they pertain to psoriasis.
Psoriasis is thought to be genetic in origin, although the particular genes (most likely there are more than one) which provide a susceptibility to the disease are unknown to date. Several “suspects” are currently being hunted. This page is a listing of links to information about the genetic basis of psoriasis.This page is also a listing of treatments which fall into the “genetic therapy” category in some way, and which do not present themselves as being more suitable in another treatment category here on this site. In other words, it’s another “other” category, but specifically for therapies which are based, in some way, on our DNA.
As more and more is learned about the genetics of psoriasis, this page should grow quickly.
Unreviewed Treatments and Information
Antisense Oligonucleotides (AONs)
Antisense oligonucleotide treatments for psoriasis
Antisense oligonucleotides make sense for treating psoriasis
Gene Cream Offers Hope for Psoriasis Sufferers
Reversal of epidermal hyperproliferation in psoriasis by insulin-like growth factor I receptor antisense oligonucleotides
Familial Psoriasis Letter
Long-Term Genetic Study Helps Explain the Hereditary Basis of Psoriasis

Human Gene Expression Mapping in Skin Disease study
Oxagen — Advanced Genetic Analysis
Company Information
Drug Development In Licensing
GPCR Programme (details
Identification of G-protein-coupled receptors involved in inflammatory disease by genetic association studies

Drug Development In Licensing
GPCR Programme (details

Identification of G-protein-coupled receptors involved in inflammatory disease by genetic association studies

Swedish Gene Patent
Possibly Psoriasis-Related Genes
Fatty-Acid Binding Protein, Psoriasis-Associated; FABP5 or PAFABPPsoriasis Susceptibility 1; PSORS1

Psoriasis Susceptibility 2; PSORS2
Psoriasis Susceptibility 3; PSORS3
Psoriasis Susceptibility 4; PSORS4
Psoriasis Susceptibility 5; PSORS5
Psoriasis Susceptibility 6; PSORS6
Psoriasis Susceptibility 7; PSORS7
Psoriasis Susceptibility 8; PSORS8
Psoriasis Susceptibility 9; PSORS9
Psoriasis Susceptibility 10; PSORS10
Psoriasis Susceptibility 11; PSORS11
Psoriasis Susceptibility 12; PSORS12
Psoriatic Arthritis, Susceptibility to, 1; PSORAS1
S100 Calcium-Binding Protein A7; S100A7, Psoriasin, PSOR1