Not Really About Psoriasis
Sites which are not really about psoriasis, but use the word and so wind up in search results.
These are web sites and pages I found that contain the word ‘psoriasis’ or something related, but don’t really have much to do with adding to our understanding (or misunderstanding, for that matter) of the disease. Some of these pages are amusing, others are horrifying. These links will probably always be unreviewed here, as I doubt anyone would seriously consider anything here when making treatment decisions.Unreviewed Unreviewed Sites
The Anti-Chain Letter
John Beach did a Denorex® advertisement
Facing the Music
Freda Care’s Nutritional Symptomatology Quiz
Gain Effortless Wealth from Amazing E-Mail Spam!!
Lee Lehman’s Decumbiture Report for Aggie’s Chemotherapy

Live Irish
Miami’s Nickname Change is Long Overdue
June 3rd, 1982 in history tells us that the winning word at the 55th National Spelling Bee was ‘psoriasis’
Runner’s Niche