A list of psoriasis organizations around the world, usually for patients.
Psoriasis is often thought of as rare, but it’s common enough that there are quite a few organizations devoted to research, funding and awareness about the disease. If you suffer from psoriasis, or know someone who does, these organizations would appreciate your support.Unreviewed Information
Associtation of Psoriasis and Eczema Patients in Iceland (SPOEX)
Danmarks Psoriasis Forening (Denmark)
Deutscher Psoriasis Bund e.V. (Germany)
Flemish Association of Psoriasis Patients (only in Flemish)
International Federation of Psoriasis Associations
National Psoriasis Foundation

Norsk Psoriasisforbund (Norway)
PSO-UNG (Norway, a psoriasis youth group)
Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance
The Psoriasis Association (United Kingdom)
The Psoriasis Association Inc. (Australia)
Psoriasis Federatie Nederland (Dutch)
Psoriasis Forum Berlin e.V. (Germany)
Psoriasis Scotland Arthritis Link Volunteers
Psoriasis Selbsthilfe Arbeitsgemeinschaft (Germany, Psoriasis Self-Help Working Group)
Psoriasis Society of Canada
Psoriasis Veneriging Nederland (The Netherlands, also here)
Psoriasis-Netz (Germany)
Reiter’s Information & Support Group, Inc.
Self-Help Organisations — Psoriasis
The Palm BeachPsoriasis Network