
A bunch of testimonials I’ve received for this Website.

Kind words I’ve received. You know who you are, but these are completely anonymous here. Thanks to all for writing in.

Love your site! Just read about half of it, but will return. Will send the link to my mother who will be interested. Thanks for taking the time to do this.

Just found your site while out surfing… well done.

Thanks for taking the time and trouble to create a page like this it really is appreciated.

Just found your website … and want to thank you for the time and effort you’ve obviously put into this. … Again, thanks for all your work… my husband is suffering and I’m starting on a quest to help him… you are making it much easier.

I’ve been to your web site (bookmarked now) and I really like it and want to personally thank you for putting it on the net and maintaining it.

Thank you for, in essence, publishing your research for ALL our benefits.

I was just visiting your site! It’s wonderful and packed with information! Thank you! I think all P sufferers appreciate all your work and research!

I am writing to tell you how thrilled I am to have found your site. …this site is a miracle to me, just to be able to get some basic information.

Anyway, today I have finally visited the page and I just have to tell you that I think it is awesome!!! WOW you have done a lot of work on it!!! Excellent!!!!

Thanks for taking the effort to make the web page for psoriasis.

I have setup a site for skin patients and as i searched through the web i found your site very good as it seemed done by a person with passion about psoraisis

Nice website, you’ve done an awful lot of work — and you were a cute baby :-)

just wanted to let you know i like your web page

You have an amazing list of links! Congratulations!

I like your website alot. It provides alot of information.

Thanks for a site with lots of information.

First, let me say that your site is such a great resource for getting info quickly. I wanted to find some info on Zinc Pyr. and it took me all of about 45 seconds to get to it.

I just visited your site, which is really great.

Just wanted to send you a quick THANK YOU for your site… I just wanted you to know how interesting I found your site, and how helpful it is to educate the public!! Thanks again for your time and effort. It is greatly appreciated!

I read your site and it was very helpful to me.

Thank you for setting up this psoraisis site.

First of all I would like to thank you very much for your useful website which has helped me understand more about this complex problem. I have observed that you have a lot of insight into the problem of psoriasis because of your insightful reviews of what is out there.

I have received so much help from your site and I truly appreciate your dedication.

You are doing a marvelous service for people, Dave, by having your web site available for people to read, learn, and share. Keep up the good work!

Nice Project you have going there with the Web Page…

I’ve just reviewed some information on Dave’sPsoriasisInfo, and found it quite interesting and helpful.

I am most impressed with your website, particularly the sincerity that you show.

First, I would like to thank you for all this information you are providing for us sufferers… Thanks once again for all your hard work in compiling this info… much appreciated.

I have visited your site a number of times and found it to be very useful and informative.

I came across your most excellent website while surfing for info about psoriasis.

Thank you for a great website. You provide tons of information and save people alot of trouble, money and wasted time.

Your site is extremely informative on almost every facet of Psoriasis…

I just wanted you to know that I found your site refreshing…

Keep up the great site.

I just want to say thanks for the great effort… Your site is the best common sense psoriasis site I have found.

Thanks for having such an awesome website!

love your site!!

Great Site!

Thanks for all the work you do for the website.

I must tell you as a sufferer of psoriasis for almost 20 years, your site was quite good. I found a lot of this information myself, but having it all together was awesome… Great site, keep up the good work!

Great contribution to a lot of people.

I have found your site very helpful and have bookmarked it, of course. Thanks for all the hard work you obviously put into your mission. I’ll continue to browse your site on a regular basis.

I really appreciate what you are doing.

Just wanted to thank you for all the time and effort you’ve obviously put into your web site.

I think your site, and your feedback for people on the NG is fantastic!! Without volunteers like yourself, the internet would be nothing but an oversized advertisement! Big claps!!

Came across your website and found it quite informative.

I enjoy viewing your site.

Best Regards and congratulations for the great job you’ve done…

Thanks for putting up such a useful site… Thanks again for such a valuable site, and keep up the good work.

…your web site is really good, maybe the best i saw concerning psoriasis…

Real quick, just wanted to let you know I found your site and info very helpful for my psoriasis.

…congratulations on a very nice site. Actually, it is really an impressive body of work. I’ve spend just the last hour roaming around on it and have barely scratched the surface (pun intended).

I enjoy your site , it is so informative… Thanks for your site!

Thanks for your advice and your site. Can’t thank you enough for all the hard work your putting into this.

Very useful page, thank you

Your site has a lot of good information, thank you for taking the time to put it up.

Thank you for setting-up and providing such an informative website for psoriatics and people who want to know about the disease.

I really enjoy your website…

I have only recently began to do some research about psoriasis on the ’net, and found your site. Its excellent, and I just wanted to say “Thanks!”. It really cheered me up. Keep up the good work.

Congratulations for your great site

Once again, thanks for collecting all the information about psoriasis.

Just stumbled across your site and I’m so glad I did! … Thank you so much for your informative site!

Keep up the good and worthy work you are doing, more power to you!

An informative page.

Thanks for making the info available and saving me time on doing (unnecessary research)

As someone with psoriasis, I appreciate the info you provide on the web.

I’ve been reading and rereading your website just about daily for the past month as I try to make new sense out of my old disease: psoriasis.

A really well written, well researched site. Thank you for taking the time and making the effort to put this site up. I have found a lot of helpful info. Thanks!

Just a quick thanks for your (likely) many hours of effort. And the results are well worth reading… Again thanks for the effort.

Thanks for your information even if it was a blow!

I admire the work you’ve done… and your persistence… Thank you.

Thanks again. I think your site is excellent. So necessary with so much misleading information out there especially from commercial sites.

Thanks for assembling the information on your web site. My four year old recently developed the disease and finding information on this condition is very helpful to a concerned parent.

Hello and thank you for your informative site.

Your website was very helpful.

I found your Web site a few years ago and the information is great.

I find your site very truthful and informative, Thank You.

I just wanted to thank you for all the time and effort you have put into what is clearly the best site I have found in my extensive web search for psoriasis sites… Thank you very much!

Thanks for your site. I find your site very truthful and informative, Thank You.

Your site is great, and one could only imagine the thousands of hours work you’ve put into it. Thank You.

Your web site is phenomenal.

I found your site by chance and I am incredibly grateful that you took the time and effort. This will help tremendously in my own research — it already has in the past ten minutes…

Thanks for your website.

a short message to thank you for your site…Again, thanks for your work

Hi: Thank you for the website information.

Many thanks for your site. I found it very interesting.

I wanted to tell you that I stumbled across your website tonight. I’ve researched psoriasis extensively before, and I have no idea how I missed your site… This is utterly fantastic. You’re got an amazing amount of comprehensive information collected, by an analytical and skeptical mind, along with helpful reviews… I’ll definitely be back to poke around more.

Your site is very informative and I really enjoyed reading it… Thank you for a very informative site…

I really appriciate your idea to put your research into site. I know that you put a lot of effort to it, lot of hours investigating informations on hundreds of site related to psoriasis treatments. So we all will have advantage of you work. The least I can do in turn is to thank you.

Your website is the only Psoriasis page I take seriously anymore Keep up the good work.

Thanks for all your hard work

Thanks for you most informative web site

I just want to thank you for having all of the valuable information available. It has helped me tremendously!

Thanks so much for the information on your site.

Thank you for the work you do!

i want to tell you thank you for you for your research.

I really appreciate the work that you’ve put into the site… Thanks for the info!

Appreciate the work you put into your site.