What’s Old on this web site
An archive of all of the “What’s New” messages which have appeared on this site.
This is the complete list of changes to this web site (well, as complete as can be). For only the latest changes, please see the homepage.December 29, 2014: LEGO Challenge 2014 is complete!
June 22, 2014: LEGO Challenge 2014 is now 20% finished.
January 5, 2014: Again with the absence. But come follow along with my self-imposed LEGO Challenge 2014.
October 13, 2013: Sorry about the prolonged absence. I’ve added a Store.
May 22, 2010: Began adding social-networking links to the site.
May 16, 2010: Happy eleventh anniversary to this site!
May 11, 2010: I think I have gotten rid of the last of the dead links which needed to be deleted, and so now I can focus on adding items again!
May 4, 2010: Along with culling hundreds of dead or useless links over the past month, I’ve just added an update on what Prime Pharmaceuticals has been doing.
April 6, 2010: Psoriasis, the Game is now online!
January 7, 2010: I have added a set of documents from the NPF about the coal tar lawsuit of 2000-2002.
December 26, 2009: I have added a page about finding ultra-high redshift galaxies.
August 31, 2009: I have added rules for a pencil-and-paper science-fiction game, Myoss Gamma.
August 23, 2009: Added another reader comment about my Banish Psoriasis review.
August 22, 2009: Added a page on the Slug Sex that I witnessed.
July 13, 2009: Added a Reader Comment page for my Banish Psoriasis review.
July 5, 2009: Added some personal notes to my Psoriasin page.
May 27, 2009: Added a review of Banish Psoriasis for Good, and uploaded a handful of cleaned-up pages.
May 16, 2009: Happy tenth anniversary to this site!
May 16, 2009: I am re-opening the site, with an all-new design. I hope you enjoy it. Please forgive the mess while I go through the zillions of broken links.
March 12 to May 16, 2009: Re-edited just about every page. Moved a few pages around, got rid of the old-fashioned index pages in favor of a sitemap. Added the Fun Stuff category.
April 10, 2009: Updated to add extremely important news about Raptiva.
November 26, 2004: I have officially stopped maintaining Dave’s Psoriasis Info. See the new homepage for more info. I’ve also disconnected this site’s email inbox, and added a small note responding to much of the email I’ve received about Pagano’s Diet.
January 25, 2004: Finally got around to correcting a whole bunch of broken links to PubMed medical citations.
December 30, 2003: I’ve added an important update about PVAC.
November 16, 2003: Updated the Doctor Fish page a little.
November 15, 2003: I’ve added a page about Weight and Psoriasis.
October 11, 2003: I’ve added a new page, Anti-Quackery Articles, which is a “gateway” page to health-fraud articles here which aren’t necessarily specific to psoriasis. That page will soon be a part of the Anti-Quackery Web Ring.
September 1, 2003: I’ve added a lot of new links, in many places.
August 16, 2003: I’ve added an article on Coenzyme Q10, a short one on Paw Paw, a few more Reader Comments about Coal Tar, and a bunch more new links.
August 10, 2003: Another bunch of new links have been added, along with short articles on Auspitz’ Sign and Woronoff’s Ring, and reviews of Cleariasis® and the Power Gems Psoriasis Info.
July 27, 2003: I’ve added a bunch of new links, many of them on a new page, Images of Psoriasis.
July 11 and 12, 2003: I’ve added a lot of new links, a very short article about Smallpox Vaccinations, and I finally put up an article on Angiogenesis and Shark Cartilage I started back in February.
July 3-6, 2003: I’ve added a bunch of new links, especially to the PVAC page.
June 21, 2003: I deleted a bunch of links from the page about the AMI Pages.
June 20, 2003: I’ve added a page about the SubPortal Psoriasis Articles, along with a lot of links.
May 15 to 25, 2003: I did a massive update to the Coal Tar page, as well as adding a bunch of links about a hip-hop group called The Sebutones. A few more links were added here and there, too. Oh, and a belated “happy third birthday” to this site.
April 30 to May 2, 2003: I’ve added Reader Comments about Coal Tar and Occlusion, and a review of Elena’s Nature Collection.
April 18 to 21, 2003: I added a page about the Cache Beauty sites, and some more links on top of that.
April 11 and 12, 2003: I added a page about a Ranma 1/2 quote, and a few more links.
April 5, 2003: I added the Dictionaries and Word Lists page, and a bunch of new links.
April 3 and 4, 2003: I’ve fixed up most, if not all, of the links to various NPF pages around this site. The NPF’s new web site has been up for a while now, you should go have a look if you haven’t already.
February 14 to March 23, 2003: I added a couple new Reader Comments, along with a bunch of new links, sprinkled throughout the site.
February 9, 2003: I added the Heartbreak of Psoriasis page, and a few other links.
February 4, 2003: I’ve added a Calendar of Events page, but it will only be useful if people send me events to add to it.
January 29, 2003: Added some links about Karin Holstein, and Danny Morrison, along with Holstein’s book.
January 28, 2003: Added a half-dozen links about Robert the Bruce
January 25, 2003: Added over 100 new links, on a few pages, none of them any big deal. Deleted a link from the Evil Web Sites page which didn’t belong there.
January 1, 2003: Happy New Year! I added an article titled Can UVB Phototherapy Cause Cancer?
December 15, 2002: I split off a group of links from the Lists of Links Page to form a page titled AMI Pages, and then added 297 links to that page.
December 14, 2002: Added a handful of links.
December 6 & 7, 2002: Added another 280-something links, as well as an article, The Air Down There.
November 30 to December 1, 2002: Added the Links to this Site page, along with a bunch of new links on various pages, especially the Directories page.
November 23-29, 2002: Cleaned up a few typos on the Diet page, and lots of new links were added all over the place (including the Evil Sites page). A new section on Magnets was added, along with an article on the NPF’s Magnet Mishap. A new language chart has been added to the Non-English-Language Sites list, and an update was added to the Loma Lux Review.
November 11-23, 2002: I’ve added a ton of links (there are over 3,100 now), a bunch of them on the Homeopathy page, along with an article about Dr. Batra’s Positive Health Clinic™, and an addition to the dialysis article.
November 10, 2002: Added a list of domain names which refer to psoriasis, along with an article on dialysis.
October 26, 2002: Fixed a handful of broken links within this site.
October 9, 2002: I added an Index of Pages (well, most of them) in alphabetical order, for people who might want to peruse this site that way, instead of by subject matter.
September 28 to October 5, 2002: I’ve added a boatload of links to the Bathing and Environment, Directories, and Traditional Chinese Medicine pages. I’ve also added a short review of Centipeda cunninghamii.
September 21 to 22, 2002: I’ve added a PDF File Tag, a page of web Directories which mention psoriasis, a review of an Ask the Doctors web site, and 160 new links, all over the place (and just for kicks, I added the total number of off-site links to the Legal Info Page). I also alphabetized a few pages which weren’t.
September 21, 2002: I updated the Salicylic Acid page, and added a minimal Skin-Cap page, finally.
September 17, 2002: Massive update to the Coal Tar page. Big changes to the Diet page. The DMARDs page has been changed into a page on DMARDs and Biologics. A sprinkling of new links has been added throughout the site.
August 12, 2002: Added the Quackery Index.
August 11, 2002: I’ve added the Famous People with Psoriasis page, along with a sprinkling of new links elsewhere.
August 4, 2002: There’s been an important update to the Mahonia aquifolium page, due to an email I received from Prime Pharmaceuticals. I’ve also added the Doctor Fish page, and a review of the book, The Pill Book Guide to Natural Medicines.
July 26, 2002: The site has moved to a new home. Right here. The old site was running out of disk space fast, and the only options for increasing the space were unacceptable. Thanks for understanding the move, and updating any bookmarks or favorites you might have had to the old location.
July 20, 2002: Added the Psoriasis and the Arts page. Went back and did more work on my automated searching program, and I now have thousands of new links to add to the site.
July 11, 2002: Automated the indexing process, and updated the indices, a lot. Also, I did a massive update of the calcipotriol page, and renamed it Vitamin D Analogs.
June 22, 2002: Added an article about Smoking and Psoriasis.
June 9, 2002: Big changes to the Fumaric Acid Esters page, along with a tremendous number of links being sent to the newly-installed Link Graveyard.
September, 2001 to May 27, 2002: Too long without an update. A belated “happy 3rd birthday” to this web site (May 16). Primarily, I’ve been working on a few new articles, but the going has been slow. I’ve also fixed up my automated “link check” program, so there should be many fewer broken links which aren’t marked as being broken. For links that have been broken for a long time, I’ve created the Link Graveyard, which will just get bigger as time goes by, I’m sure. There have also been many little updates to articles, sprinkled throughout the site, too many to list here.
September 8, 2001: Arty Escobar sent me an email.
April 30 to May 20, 2001: Added in a review of Gary Jackson’s Syndrome-X Article, my own thoughts on the Economic Effects of a Psoriasis Cure and a review of Dr. Smith and Loma Lux Products. I also re-arranged the items on the Treatments Page and Home Page to create a new General Info page (used to be part of the home page’s ‘job’). I also found time to not only clean up more links, but to add a sprinkling of new ones throughout the site. I also updated the Great Mother’s Belly Butter review. And a belated “happy second birthday” to this site (May 16).
April 28 and 29, 2001: Ken Kessler sent me another email, so I took the time to update my Web page about him. Cleaned up more links.
April 26, 2001: Arty Escobar Herb-based Hair Care Products is no longer a broken link. Links to old Deja.com information have been redirected. More broken links fixed up.
April 22 to April 24, 2001: Fixed more broken links.
March 20 to April 21, 2001: Created an automated link-checking program, to find broken links both within this site, and for links to other Web sites. Began fixing the Broken Links that have been found so far. With over 1,000 off-site links, this will take some time.
February 3, 2001: Added a page discussing the PASI.
January 20, 2001: Added a review of PVAC™.
January 14, 2001: Added a review of Gil Teva’s site, the Personal Experiences section, and the Psoriatic Arthritis section. Added a handful of links to the Anthralin section, and made a few other modifications to it.
January 12, 2001: Added a bunch of links for information about the Excimer Laser for psoriasis. Added the new Genetics and Gene Therapies section. The new Medscape Tag was added. Also, added about 55 links, total, to the site, in a wide variety of locations.
December 22, 2000: Sorry it’s been so long. I’ve reveiwed the Psoriasis-Hope™ site and added an announcement of a class-action lawsuit against Miralex.
July 19, 2000: Added a handful of links to the What is Psoriasis? page, and one or two elsewhere.
July 18, 2000: Added the Pyramid Hat pages.
July 16, 2000: Added 27 new links (spread around), and started work on one new page, the What is Psoriasis? page.
May 27, 2000: Added the Fumaric Acid Esters page.
May 16, 2000: Happy Birthday to this Web site! Added more new links yet again.
May 14, 2000: Added some more new links to the site.
May 7, 2000: Just added a handful of new links to the site.
May 6, 2000: Long time, no update. Apologies all around. Unfortunately, this update doesn’t have much real content to it. I’ve expanded the Index quite a bit. And Ken Kessler sent me an email, prompting me to start the Insults

February 26, 2000: A massive update to the Coal Tar list.
February 21, 2000: A review of The Doctors Book of Home RemediesII has been added, and the Books page has been given a slight makeover.
February 19, 2000: Added reviews of the Psoriasis Online Association and the Skin Care For Dummies site. Added a short article on the Koebner Phenomenon.
January 30, 2000: Added the University of Iowa review, and the review of Rick Yeager’s Web Site.
January 29, 2000: Added the Testimonials page. Added Reader Comments for Stress and Homemade Seawater, along with a Reader Comments Index.
January 25, 2000: Added the “Giant Index” and began adding a link to the main Index on every page.
January 7, 2000: Added a review of the Mirak Home Care System.
January 6, 2000: Going “public” with the site.
January 5, 2000: Added a review of X-Ori products.
January 1 and 2, 2000: Happy New Year! I shifted some stuff around. The old Resources and Organizations page has been split up into the Doctors, Dermatologists, Medical Schools and Clinics page (which also subsumed the old Doctors page), the Lists of Links page, the Medical Sites page, the Message Boards, Chatting, Etc. page, the Miscellaneous Resources page and the Personal Web Pages page. The original page is now, simply, Organizations. Also, I added a new Tag, an eye, for those links I consider “Must-See” sites (some of them simply don’t deserve an “A+” as in the old system), and created a page so that all of the “Must-See” Sites can be found easily. I finally added the recipes for Homemade Seawater.
December 30, 1999: Now that the excitement of a new computer and new games to play has worn off… Massive change to the Moisturizers blurb, thanks mostly toScreeee. Finally added the page detailing Steroidal Side Effects. Updated the Miralex article to reflect the new Health Canada findings. I also split the ItchStopper article out from the Hyperthermia section (not sure why I had them on the same page in the first place), and got rid of the “ToDo” list.
December 19, 1999: Corrected a couple things in the Methotrexate article due to feedback from Lady Andy.
November 29, 1999: Added a bunch of CDC-related links in various categories, and created the Antimalarial Medications page.
November 26, 1999: Felt like I needed to add an explicit copyright notice to each page, outside of the logo’s information, so I did. Also, added the What’s Old page and modified this page a bit.
November 23, 1999: Expanded the blurb of the Moisturizers section a little.
November 18, 1999: An extra explanation of what a Reviewed link is has been added. Got rid of the ‘reviewed’ tag.
November 15-17, 1999: The Tags have been drawn and added to some of the links.
November 14, 1999: Last Lotion has been reviewed (this is the 100th page created for this site).
November 12, 1999: The MG217 review has been updated, again, along with the Curafas review. A new review for Skincure™ is now up.
November 11, 1999: The Curafas® review has had some more criticisms added to it and the MG217 review has been updated due to some new information. Also, Miralex has been reviewed.
November 10, 1999: Split the Books section completely from the Articles section and moved some books from Articles into Books. Also, a review for Curafas® is now up.
November 9, 1999: Added a review of MG217 Products.
November 8, 1999: Added Fatbrain’s listings to the Books section. Also, I added the temporary “ToDo” list.
November 7, 1999: I worked up the beginnings of the Alphabetical Index. A review of Nature’s Rain moisturizers has been written. I began working on a list of Books available through Amazon and other retailers.
November 5, 1999: It was on my mind, so I wrote a short piece on Unlisted or Unknown Ingredients. Also, the old General Information Page is now the entry point into this site, and the old entry point is now the Treatment Categories page. Also, a plea for information has been added to the blurb for the Unknown section.
November 4, 1999: Since Eteson decided to start spamming the Newsgroup again, I updated the Deluxlife article. Also, a review had been written for the Psoriasin products.
November 1 through 3, 1999: Not much time these nights, trying to empty out the Unknown section a little.
October 31, 1999 (Happy Halloween): The sections on Stress, TCM andUV now have blurbs. And the Moisturizer section blurb has been expanded, and Gary Kelly added to it. Also, a small note about the unreviewed status of the Anthralin links has been added. I’d like to give myself a pat on the back now for having given every section a blurb of some kind. Also, reviews have been written for Simicort, Prevention’s “Ask the Naturopath”, and Psoriasis, Healing from the Inside Out. I’ve also added some links to Tacrolimus to the Immunomodifiers section.
October 30, 1999: The sections on Salicylic Acid and Steroids now have blurbs.
October 22, 1999: The section on Retinoids now has a pseudo-blurb.
October 21, 1999: The sections on Naturopathy and Oils now have a blurbs. The links to Neem were moved from the Other section into the Herbals section (for now). Another bullet has been added to the Email guidelines.
October 19, 1999: The sections on Immunomodifiers and Mixed Treatments are now blurbified.
October 18, 1999: The Homeopathic section now has a blurb. Screeee, who has had some experience, asked me to add some more detail to the Antifungals blurb, so I did.
October 17, 1999: The small Unreviewed Links page has been added, and links to it will be added to the various lists as time permits (see the Herbals section for an example). A blurb is now up for the Antifungals section and a ‘deferred’ review for Ken Kessler is now up.
October 10, 1999: A blurb for the Non-English-Language Sites section has been written.
October 9, 1999: A blurb has been written for the Calcipotriene section and a tiny one for the Doctors and Clinics section.
October 6, 1999: Lots of little, overall clean-up.
October 4, 1999: A slight rewording of the Anthralin section has been made.
October 3, 1999: A blurb for the DMARDs section has been added, along with a review of Methotrexate.
October 2, 1999: Thanks to Jerry J., I’ve tagged the links which are currently broken, fixed some other links and corrected some typos. Also, an update has been made to the Deluxlife review, and to theGreen Tree review, since Green Tree is now a smaller part of More.com
September 17, 1999: The Oregon Grape review has been tweaked again and the Herbals blurb has been expanded. A blurb for the Supplements and Zinc sections have been added.
September 16, 1999: A blurb for the Diet section has been added (how can I get anywork done with 70-something newsgroup posts to read?).
September 15, 1999: A blurb for the Coal Tar section has been added, along with a call for people to send their unwanted ItchStoppers to me.
September 14, 1999: A new review for Ask Tom… Naturally!!. Both the ItchStopper and Oregon Grape reviews have been tweaked a little bit more.
September 13, 1999: New reviews for Deluxlife and hyperthermia (including ItchStopper). The Oregon Grape review has been updated again.
September 2, 1999: The Magnifying Glass review has been updated again.
August 26, 1999: The Oregon Grape review is much further along (pretty much done, unless I get some new information).
August 23, 1999: All of the content in the new General Info section was added today. Well, some of it was old content, but is now rearranged. Also, theMagnifying Glass review has been nearly completed.
May 16, 1999 through August 21, 1999: The entire beginnings of this Web site. All of the various looks and feels of the newborn monster. A handful of articles.